Is there a difference between standard smoke detectors vs. monitored fire alarms in Bloomington?

In the Bloomington smoke detector vs. monitored fire alarm discussion, it's evident that a monitored fire alarm is the preferred alternative"> for your home. Smoke detectors are a vital first step in protecting your house from fire, but they have some notable limitations. Conversely, monitored fire alarms have more ways to detect a potentially dangerous situation and may contact help when the unthinkable happens. Connecting your fire alarms to a home security system also results in various extra advantages that your ordinary smoke detectors could only dream about.
Your traditional smoke alarms in Bloomington might be falling short
Fire safety is important, and smoke detectors play an essential part in shielding your family. Despite that fact, smoke detectors have various drawbacks. To illustrate, they are only able to detect smoke, not extreme temperatures. If there is a fire in your residence, you might not be alerted before the smoke rises to the smoke detector. Even though there are some other significant signals of fire -- such as a sharp increase in warmth -- if you don’t have smoke, you won’t have a sounding of your smoke detector.
In addition, smoke detectors only beep when they find an adequate amount of smoke. When a fire starts small, you might not be cautioned until it's too late. Various smoke detectors use dual sensors, meaning they will recognize smoke from both a raging fire and something less intense. Whenever they start beeping, it's up to the homeowner to call the fire department after they safely leave the residence.
Monitored fire alarms offer more benefits than ordinary smoke detectors
Although they look like regular smoke detectors, monitored fire alarms offer more benefits. If linked to a comprehensive home security package, they are able to:
- Identify fire with different sensor types: Comparable to a standard smoke detector, this monitored device will engage from an intense fire or one that has just started smoking. It will resonate an easily audible warning whenever it perceives danger.
- Discover fire with a rapid temperature increase: Your monitored fire alarm can also trigger if it notices an abnormal heat surge. Frequently, heat arrives in advance of smoke. Having additional methods to identify a fire means more means to safeguard your family.
- Alerts professional monitoring specialists: Fires may happen whether you are home or away. No matter of the situation, your fire alarms will alert your monitoring specialists, who are able to rapidly call the fire department. When every tick of the clock is critical, it's nice to have the knowledge that somebody is constantly keeping a watch of your residence.
- Integrates with home automation: Even though the main purpose of a fire alarm is to detect fire and notify assistance, it may also integrate with other automated devices. To illustrate, a triggered alarm can make your system engage the exhaust fan to hinder the flames or turn on smart light bulbs so you may locate the quickest way out of the house.
Your monitored fire alarms are a key element of a fully equipped smart home
The simplest way to get the most from your fire alarms is to integrate them with a Vivint home security system. Speak with a Vivint specialist today and customize the perfect smart home for your family. Diall (309) 332-1140 or submit the following form to begin.